Monday, 14 January 2008

Visual Studio Keyboard Shortcuts

F12Goto declaration for selected symbol in code
CTRL - Return to where you were before pressing F12
CTRL K CTRL NGoto Next Bookmark
CTRL K CTRL P Goto Previous Bookmark
SHIFT ALT ENTERToggle Full Screen
CTRL M CTRL Ominimise functions in code view
CTRL K CTRL CComment section
CTRL K CTRL UUnComment section
ALT W ALT LClose active windows.
CTRL K CTRL Madd a method to existing class.. by writing it as if it exists bool b = aNewMethod()
CTRL .add a method to another class.. by writing it as if it exists bool b = myClass.aNewMethod()
CTRL ALT POpen up Process window

Links to the Microsoft Visual C# Default Key bindings


VS 2008

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