Saturday, 19 April 2008

FireFox Keyboard ShortCuts

Ctrl wClose Tab
Ctrl Enteradds '.com' to what you enter in address bar
Ctrl Shift Enteradds '.org' to what you enter in address bar
Shift Enteradds '.net' to what you enter in address bar
Alt Enteropens a website in another tab
Alt +Dnavigate directly to the browser address bar
Ctrl T open a new tab
Ctrl Shift Treopens the last closed tab
Deletekeydelete specific addresses in browser history or autocomplete forms
Ctrl tabnavigate between different tabs
Ctrl 'tab number'Ex:To go to the 3rd tab use Ctrl+3
Spacebar or PageDownscrolls down the webpage you’re on
Shift Spacebar or PageUpscrolls up the webpage you’re on
middle mouse(scroll) buttonopens the page in a new tab

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