Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007 Chalk Talk
The facilitator was Mick Badran,
Course Outline
Day One
Day Two
These are my random notes taken during the two days.
- 81m licences in 2007 expected 170m in 2008
- list of publishing sites for references on what you can do with WSS publishing.
- Search - there are web services that you can consume in your own web app.
- Talks about importance of classifying documents with extra meta data.
- free MSFT search product "Search Server Express" that you should use if deploying just WSS search
- there are 9 different web parts providing search functionality
- Sharepoint is base for other MSFT products eg Performance Point
- BDC - link up other sources of information into your portal
- magnifying part of screen zoomit.exe
- wss comes free with Win 2003 licence
- MOSS has 153 features some of which turn on/off on installation
- "SPLA" licencing can be against features for eg. you can have 20 enterprise licences and n other licences on the same deployment
- could manage licencing through groups but is basically on a trust basis
- about 20 different licensing programs available - so if licensing is issue with partner then contact MSFT for information
- Win 2008 - runs faster
- 64 bit better again, supports more users
- Application Pool - set memory recycling - max virtual memory should be 700M on 32 bit
- once MOSS successfully installed you do have Central Admin web site up and running
- Advice - alwasy install in farm mode as you then have option to grow
- Sharepoint solution can have 1 or more fetures to be developed within them
- Visual Studio Extensions for SharePoint
- Site Features not only apply to new creations but also apply to all past ones as well
- you can have dependencies between features
- 2 main areas of Central Admin site - Operations and Application Mgmt
- Biggest benefit to V3 is "Site Features" eg
- Master page deploy
- publishing
- 3rd party
- Partners might create site features as a good differentiator.
- Sharepoint Solution Generator allows you goto exisiting sharepoint installation and pick out libraries/sites/whatever that you might want to generation a solution from
- WSP View in VS2005 - windows sharepoint project
- Reporting Service Integration Features
- Sharepoint Capacity Planner - used to give guide line on how many servers you require on your system.
- 3rd party - wan accelerators
- one way to deply would be to save site as template then you can move this template around
- use Kerberos (not NTLM) security - will save effort down the track
- Sharepoint workflows are document centric - they are built on WWF
- User Profiles can be sucked down from AD
- Audiences - based on series of rules - ie yrs of svc, first name beginning with A
- when selecting web part you can set display only for 'target audience'
- 'target audience' could also be an AD group
- set environment variable to 12 for the long folder name
- program files\common files\msft shared\web server extensions\12\
- can then use %12% in explorer
- logs folder has the logs
- bin folder has psconfig.exe
- enables you to name your admin database without a GUID in the db name
- with sharepoint v3 you can incorporate sharepoint url into your own separate web application
- run 'winword' for office word
- my site url gets written to AD only time sharepoint writes to AD
- my site url also gets written to registry
- Open docs in word and have sharepoint lists available to open doc from - these lists can be controlled in 'Published links to Office Client Applications under SSP admin
- Usage reporting - turn on SSP admin
- Word 2007 - 'Research Window' can integrate Sharepoint searching into this search tool - by adding a service. moss/vti bin/search.asmx
- can leverage this search service in your own apps
- each person under my site is their own site collection
- you can switch a web sites SSP but you would lose what the original SSP stores, eg index,audiences,my site
- in central admin web site, sites are site collections, webs are sites, also known as sub sites
- due to size/usage/load you may choose to have a site collection in its own content db
- you can 50,000 site collections in a content db.
- site collection is smallest granular unit you can move from 1 content db to another.
- Incoming Email Settings - enable sites on this server to receive email
- ie email a doc to a list
- this doesnt need exchange - its just a drop folder for email
- does need configuration on exchange server
- eg create a moss sub domain -
- Directory Mgmt service will enable AD tie in that will mean address list in outlook will have document lists email address
- under doc lib settings you will have communications --> incoming email settings
- alternate access mappings - gives you url rewriting
- a lot of users dont know enought about lists - havent used the 'actions' menu
- there are maybe other company polikcy/politics that affect way you would do collaboration
- smallest unit of division you can move is a site collection
- within site collection certain things inherited like
- regional settings
- quotes
- recycle bin settings
- 'Site Collection Administration' area in Site Admin is only available at the root subsite
- If for example
- Add 15 cols to your doc library in your root site
- the cols will be inherited down at sub site level, but you still need to add those 15 cols into the doc lib at that level
- instead at 15 cols to content type at root level
- you then just need to at single thing at sub site level
- rule of thumb is always create stuff at root level even if you think you are only going to use it at a single sub site.
- Managed Paths - tell browser things under this address are/are not sharepoint sites
- MAjor version increases whenever doc is published and approved
- minor version increases when doc is checked in
- if you have do with version 0.2, a user with read priv for that library wont see anything
- if the doc is version 1.5, a user with read priv will beable to read v1.0
- if the search indexer is under an admin account they will beable to index V1.5 and see a snippet of V1.5 in the search results but if you just have read priv when you click on the link it will take you to V1.0
- to stop above point happening you should set up crawl rule
- users docs default is 90 days in their recycle bin
- sites/subsites dont go into recycle bin
- add network place
- paste url of doc lib and you get webdav view of doc library
- stsadm tool can be used to increase defaut content limit of 10MB when creating document library template by UI interface 'exporting template'
- you could also use sharepoint designer if content is larger than 10Mb
- Prune your doc versions - find out requirements for company - what is cut off time - then move content to an archive
- Document Library is implemented as a feature
- you can turn of any menu settings for you doc lib
- you can only have 1 indexer machine per SSP
- if you add a new property - eg content type, then you need to do a full index for that property to be searchedon
- search was rebuilt from ground up concentrating on importance of relevance
- Foxit software - pdf plugin for crawling
- make site 'authoritative' and it will bump up in the rankings
- 'search for "hammer and nail" will normally never be found as "and" is noise word
- can map properties from sources to be certain thing in index - eg search for name = 'friday'
- source = people = map first/last name to name
- source = files = map filename to name
- source = sps sites = map page title to name
- can set best bets to expire
- index engine known as gatherer service
- can set best bets to expire
- configuring search
- sps3://moss/ - tells crawler to activate SP APIs and get more goodies out
- Incremental Index - doing this often - every 5 mins perfectly possible
- to add pdf icon add to images folder in '12' folder
- and modify doc icon xml file
- Scopes can be used to generate diff search page and search results page
- search for "author:Paul" any property can be searched in same way as author
- 'Form Web Part' can be used to do searching if you want.. doesnt matter what form is used just pass query to searchresults.aspx with 'k=' is querystring
- WCM - telerik have some free useful controls
- Content types,master page, layout page combine to give you your WCM
- WCM needs 'Office Sharepoint Publising Infrastructure' feature turned on
- when publishing public sites - look at core.js (400k) to see if you still need it all
- BDC Action could be developed to write back to LOB system
- sharepoint exams have lots of Q about BDC API
- SSO is enterprise feature
- App Def file is an xml file
- BDC MetaMan 3rd party tool allows write to LOB
- other tools on codeplex and the net
- you could point VStudio at xsd filer and then get intellisense
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